Monday, December 22, 2014


Well, it's here! The festive season madness, end of year chaos, and my first vacation in I cannot even tell you how long. The panic has set in of "what am I going to do without working" yet the reality of not being in the studio hasn't quite yet set in.
However, what I do know for certain is that I desperately need this little hiatus more than ever.  My body, soul, mind, and little heart needs doses of tender loving care. 

I therefore have decided to take a little break for the next 2 weeks to refresh and come back in the new year with a new outlook and perspective -  and I am sure plenty stories to share.

So I part with a reflection on this last year . . . it’s been a roller coaster ride. There have been incredible and beautiful moments and I’ve had the privilege of meeting & surrounding myself with fresh new souls. Some have come and gone but others have become a permanent fixture in my crazy world. 

It has however, it's been one of the most challenging in multiple areas of my life which have often left me with little hope but encouraged so much in turn. Professionally, I have flourished and learned more than I ever have in my career. It's been an expansion and explosion of creativity and I am so grateful for the opportunities and projects presented.

This entire years personal theme has been that of time. That our time is short. Making every moment count as you never know when your moments will be gone. Reflect on the time from 2014 and learn from it, take it in, and let go of those things you could not control.

Here’s to 2015 and hoping it is a prosperous, successful, soulful and enlightening year for everybody.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


If I look back at the chances I've taken and the outcome  if I hadn't . . . my life would be very different. I would never be where I am or the person today if I hadn't taken those risks or leaps of faith or those chances that scared me to death in the moment.

It's those small chances that we choose to take which evolve everything. They change everything. Who we are, who we become, the people we meet, the places that we see or the places we choose to call home. It's incredible how we can fear something so much yet the outcome can turn into something ever so magnificent. 

Most recently, and with maturity, I personally have found that taking these chances are even more imperative because one begins to realise just how short life is and how it moves past us in the blink of an eye. Our tomorrows are never promised and if it wasn't and you woke up, you'd regret for not taking that chance. Our choices of chances are so personal and could be so small and insignificant to others, but could changed your whole being as you know it.

So take chances, make things happen, say things you want to say, do things you want to do. Because before you know it, you'll never be presented with those opportunities again. You could loose precious moments and people who have come into your life.