Monday, November 24, 2014

Channelling HAPPINESS amongst the CHALLENGES

I cannot even begin to express how incredibly challenging the past few weeks have been, both personally and professionally. But between the obstacles have been beautiful rays of wonderful moments and reminders that these “hard” times are only brief and can be easily overcome.

And this past weekend was the perfect souvenir to this. As I sat watching the unspoiled sunset after a hot summers day, completed with special company, drinks, laughs, smiles and the hum of surrounding conversation  - I was taken far from the trials which have recently presented themselves and I felt so content. A contentment I’ve found very tough to find, discover and maintain in recent weeks.  It dawned on me that it’s always within our reach however is so heavily impacted by those around us. How the people we allow into our lives are ever so influential to how we can preserve inner solace. And how beautiful it is to find those who can sustain that within ourselves.

So as I start the new week with a little more of a summer glow, over indulged senses, and an extensive smile . . . I know that I have so much more to be grateful for and that an immense sense of happiness is lingering more than close the to the surface.

Friday, November 14, 2014

BBB Project: UPDATE #4

When I look back at the beginnings of the BBB project, I see an enormous shift in not only the physical, but a wonderful new fresh mindset which has come with it. One which seems miles apart from the one I bore those months back. Don’t get me wrong, I still have my days when I feel completely out of sync with my body or fear that age is creeping in or when I feel I’m not anywhere near where I’d like to be.

But the most important thing is I’m seeing slow results and surprisingly as are the other crazy gym bunnies I wave to early in the morning half asleep or sweat drenched as I leave. It was a pivotal "me" moment when one of the dear ladies, who has a ROCKING body, sent a private message congratulating & complimenting me on my personal progress and hard work. 

It knocked my cotton socks off - I beamed with pride and naturally gloated to all the ladies in the office. I’m a Leo, what else would you expect!

If we put our minds to anything and take it one step at a time - the outcome is incredibly rewarding. Slow and Steady does it.

Monday, November 10, 2014


Every year, as the festive season approaches, I find myself reflecting on what it will hold for me. And just as last year, I’m yearning for something meaningful, peaceful and very far from the crazed madness this time of year seems to bring.  

For the first time in a very long time I will be having this funny thing called leave and I’m actually very puzzled as what to do with it and wondering how I am going to manage not being the studio and not being creatively overly stimulated every day. Though it’s a short period of time I’m actually weirdly nervous. However, I will take FULL advantage of it and have set a few “needs” and “wants” for this time off . . .

#1. A roadtrip – to nowhere or anywhere. With the wind in my hair and Forty Five by Bootstraps blaring from the speakers.
#2. Turn my phone off for a few hours a day and take in each moment
#3. Run into the ocean

#4. Get away from it all – even if only for an hour

So this festive season amongst it all, put your phone away, for a few days. Make some memories that no-one knows about and make some memories that are just yours.