Friday, November 14, 2014

BBB Project: UPDATE #4

When I look back at the beginnings of the BBB project, I see an enormous shift in not only the physical, but a wonderful new fresh mindset which has come with it. One which seems miles apart from the one I bore those months back. Don’t get me wrong, I still have my days when I feel completely out of sync with my body or fear that age is creeping in or when I feel I’m not anywhere near where I’d like to be.

But the most important thing is I’m seeing slow results and surprisingly as are the other crazy gym bunnies I wave to early in the morning half asleep or sweat drenched as I leave. It was a pivotal "me" moment when one of the dear ladies, who has a ROCKING body, sent a private message congratulating & complimenting me on my personal progress and hard work. 

It knocked my cotton socks off - I beamed with pride and naturally gloated to all the ladies in the office. I’m a Leo, what else would you expect!

If we put our minds to anything and take it one step at a time - the outcome is incredibly rewarding. Slow and Steady does it.

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