Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The POWER with no Power

I’ve become accustomed to a many moments, regularities and normality’s in my settlement back in Africa. Some are more challenging than others whilst some I simply brush off and continue on my quest here.  I say quest as isn’t that what we are all on!

At first, it baffled my mind that as a nation, there was no bigger protest against what is called here Load Shedding – in simple terms a means of controlled black-outs to accommodate the poor or lack of energy resources for the fast and ever expanding South African nation. But with each week and the set schedules, sometimes not so set, I realised that though communities complained and sighed  - some more pronounced than others – that people still went on with their days. And in turn I had to find a way to make the most of it. To capture some old traditions which did not involve the  surrounding surplus of modern technology. 

Picking up a book, taking a walk or a run, sitting under a tree with a friend talking nonsense, drawing, writing, taking photos, taking a drive to the unknown . . . . it’s almost like an initiative to capture moments and make them powerful when normality as we know it ceases for just a few hours. 

It’s actually quite nice if you ask me.

Monday, January 19, 2015

SYMBOLIC Footprints

My Saturday morning runs have become a soothing ritual to end long weeks and begin a weekend on the right foot, those puns! This past Saturday I got up earlier than usual in anticipation for a busy day and made my way to the misty beach front with the few early whisperers whom were already beginning their own rituals.

And as I reached my half way point and turned to see the awakening mountain through the clouds, I realised the beach below my trainers was untouched. My shoe prints being the only evidence to human presence. It was almost symbolic to the fresh start which is presented to us each day and the one we have all made in this new year. I’ve made many promises to myself for the year. My untouched beach waiting for new prints to make their mark and create a new story with a diversity of beauty.

And as the ocean tides will come in and wash away my mark on the beach, so does the reminder that we have to let go of all that keeps us from living now . . .

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Copious Amounts of Deliciousness.

It was a moment, late one afternoon, when I realised how incredibly important my vacation had become. The fear of not being in the studio I had, dissipated almost instantly and I felt myself beaming with a realisation and letting out an enormous sigh of relief. Those sighs where your entire load of burdens seems to escape with your breath.

Though the days of late mornings sleeping in and lying with warm coffee and embracing the early stillness, or long tables filled with home cooked meals and bottles of wine, or summer days enthralled by the surrounding beauty, or road trips to the unknown went by sooner than I expected; I start my return to work beaming and ready.

My days off allowed me to refresh my soul, my mind, and provided clarity in many areas of my life. I was uplifted and reconnected with so many beautiful souls and connected with new ones. Days cooking, and eating and drinking copious amounts of deliciousness. Sharing moments and belly hurting laughs and creating snippets in time which remain more than special which I am so grateful for.
So as we all move into 2015 with a presented fresh platter, let’s ensure that we never forget the good and bad times of 2014 and that these in turn allow us to grow to magnificent heights.