Wednesday, October 30, 2013

INSPIRED . . . Still

LL QUICK UPDATE POST: It truly is amazing what good food, return-to-a routine, and a kick butt pre-workout can do for one! I'm already feeling refreshed and ready for action everyday since Monday's revelation post!

With a skip in my step, I came across this magical photo.* I smiled and thought - I feel like her! Free, fresh, liberated and with the eye on the prize. 

So find what inspires you, even the smallest thing. Today is the day to put your all into anything & everything as you may regret it when tomorrow comes and you never did!

*I regretfully cannot find the original photo source and can't give credit where due. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

GUTTED . . . Literally!

What a weekend! My oh my. Mine started with the last strains of being ill and the unfortunate realization that being down for the count for nearly 2 weeks and only having the capability to make 1 visit to the gym, has been dreadfully unforgiving. Like that moment when Cinderella realized she wouldn't make it to the ball. And I am gutted that after weeks of muscle building-body toning progress, I am now left with what feels like a literal gut in areas I don't wish to have.

So after throwing multiple pity parties about being in pain, ill, and now a little loose around the edges; I took the weekend to draw in all the inspiration I could get and grasped as many positive attitudes and encounters I could get my hands on. From dazzling summer beach runs, beams of sunshine, time with family, deep and personal documentaries (one of them being this beautiful film by Beyoncé), health blog | page readings, and  conversations with discovered souls - it all came together to give me the aaaha angels in the sky moment I desired so very desperately.
I gratefully concluded that I'm in a great urgency of refocusing my energy on what my body and mind need to be healthy again and to get back on track. Included in this, and for health reasons, I've made the difficult choice to revisit meat into my diet but only buying and consuming mindful, organic, farm | grass fed products. After an adventerous trip to the market, I left with a cart full of fresh, organic, free range goodies and stocked up my fridge and steamer. I'm now ready to get back on my band wagon!

It may seem so insignificant - 2 weeks, really, what can that do? For me personally, it seems like an enormous set back. And somehow I just lost track of what was important for me, my soul, and body. And now, I need to re-rail myself. Selfish - nah, I think we all deserve the right put ourselves first at times. Especially when we feel a piece of individuality has gone missing.

So here's to inspiration, new beginnings, today's and exciting tomorrow's! Here's to taking time for ourselves and molding our inner fire.

Friday, October 25, 2013


I'm asked what it's like to be so far from the one I love . . . having a long distance relationship . . . keeping the balance . . . coping with the time difference. Is it hard? Yes! Is it lonely? Yes, most times. Is it worth it? Hell yes!

There are many days when I wonder how we have made it so far and how many months it'll be till we can be with each other again. Right now, we are both unsure when that will be due to factors out of our hands. But I know I could not have done it without him or with anyone else. It's a day by day coping, dying inside with my love being so far away. Same days it angers me that two people, so in love, who have been through so much, are torn apart.

But then there's a magnificent part of our relationship, as both a couple and friends, that would never have been discovered without the distance. We have opened the most marvelous and resourceful ways to communicate each day, even with a 6 hour time difference. I've learned so much about him, our connection and love, as well as myself. I've learned that the heart does grow fonder with distance but too -  that a heart really can hurt, physically and emotionally, from heart ache.

When the day does come that we are together again, I know that the smallest things - holding hands, Wednesday Sushi nights, rainy couch days, morning coffee in bed, trips to the farm - will all mean so much more.

Above all, I know I love someone with everything I have and I feel that more than ever in return. And no matter how long I have to wait, I will . . . because there is no and will never be no other love like this.

I love you.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Over the past few days I have been down with the seasonal cold, trying to balance work, rest, and some form of a social life. With the additional time on my hands, my mind has begun to wonder. It immediately goes to those I miss so dearly but most recently, to the memories of my childhood. Having my family so near and spending so much time with my brother, we share and remember moments everyday. My brother remembers everything, and I mean everything. I don't know how he does it. Either he's a spawn of Einstein or I am just getting very old! He remembers each minuscule detail and we've nearly wet our pants with laughter at some of the stories. Some have been returned to the back of my mind as they remind what a dreadful big sister I was at times!

It then came to no surprise when I stumbled across the photo in this post (via WEZC) that even more memories flooded. How that little girl embodied everything of the little girl I was. Determined and living in her own chimera world, preferably by a swimming pool or under my grandfathers willow tree with my tea set and fairy "friends." Growing up in a middle class family, we had our struggles, but we were always surrounded by family, friends, and highly influential and affecting role models.

Remember how simple life was. How we could entertain ourselves for hours playing in the dirt, finding snails, or setting up our own grocery store with a few boxes and chairs. Where did we lose that extraordinary simplistic imagination but where along the way did the children of today loose it? I take my hat off to any parent of the now as life for children, is not as I or the generations before me knew it. It's challenging.

Let's make for better and beautiful memories for the children of today. Taking them almost back in time, back in the dirt, and back to imaginative and unicorn filled memories.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Yes, I'm going to go there ... I'm going to hop on the Miley Cyrus crazy train and wave out the open windows singing "We Can't Stop"(this version) at top volume with no shame.

Initially, I was just as gob smacked as the rest of the world with the "new" Miley and wondered where it was going. But the more she began to pop up in the media, the more I began to somewhat appreciate where she was going with it all. And how incredibly talented and adept she is, especially for her age. She has achieved what many artists cannot - she's captured and kept our attention. Keeping us talking and knowing more about twerking than the details of current news affairs. And ever noticed how with every performance she has done recently, it's has been live and almost flawless. She's definitely onto something here.

Her recent appearance on Ellen is what truly won me over. She was likable and honest. She was herself. And though there may be some recent displays where she's not emerging to be the best role model, she's still giving a positive message that being yourself and finding that comfort is where happiness lies. I adored her thoughts on how she is learning and discovering more about those close to her. Valuing their interests. She recently asked them the give her lists of their favorite books, movies, and music as these personal likes are how we find out a deeper side to those closest to us. I loved this and wanted to stand up and applaud her for it.

Who would've thought Miley would be teaching us a thing or two! We cannot forget that she's had to grow and evolve as we all do but in-front of the world. 

LL: Let's discover more about those near and dear to us as well as ourselves.

Photo via Elle UK

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

KEEP CALM and just push!

Don't worry, there are no child labor stories or even the potential of here. But a few days ago, I had a moment when this came to be for a brief second and I had to indeed push . . . a car, in heels, in the heat, 10 minutes for meeting!

Ok, let's rewind. After a days work in the studio, I headed to a meeting on a beautiful day with my styled outfit, manicured nails, and primed makeup. 1 mile before I needed to make my turn to my destination, my car died. Nothing. There was the brief inclination to burst into a deplorable stream of tears as I watched the cars whizz around me and dodge my little car after putting my hazards on. But a surprisingly sense of calm came upon me and I knew crying was not an option - I'd be loosing lashes and look at hot mess when I went in for my appointment and no one got no time for that. I WAS going to make that meeting come hell or a dead car.

After the realization that there was no sign of anyone willing to stop and help, I knew I needed to push my car out of harms way. So 6 inch heels and all - at this point there was nothing I could do about the perspiration - I got out, put my hands on the rear of the car and thought - KEEP CALM AND JUST PUSH! I pushed enough to get the vehicle moving and then had to scurry back, think Elle Woods kind of scurry, to the drivers seat to maneuver and straighten the steering wheel. Let's just say, I have never felt so thankful to have been working out and have some form of agility in heels!

To make a long story short, I made the meeting after by some miracle the car restarted and had enough power to get me the few miles I needed to get. I put foot and nothing was going stop me. Thank you for pressed MAC powder puffs and styled jackets to hide the summer and stress balls of perspiration. So lovely! But alas - the little car did have to be towed and is safely waiting to be seen by the mechanic. 

LL: Stopping for even 2 minutes to help someone in need changes the course of so many lives. So do the right thing, help those in need when possible . . . especially if they are in heels!

Monday, October 14, 2013


As you know from past posts, I've rediscovered the simple things in life, appreciating them gratefully in turn. And this weekend, it overflowed when my mum and I took a trip to the store to purchase our goodies and gifts to fill our Santa Shoebox Project list. 

It's so simple yet SO effective and to date, the project has already reached over and beyond their quota! You receive the name, age, and gender of a child (you can be specific to the age and gender if you wish) with a list of necessities | must haves to fill a shoebox. Naturally, you can continue to fill the box thereafter with additional items if you wish (you actually cannot help but to), that's just a small component of this small yet enormous token of giving.

I was shopping for a sweet little girl of 10 years, Khanya. I couldn't help but get into the holiday spirit (though it's only October). What truly struck a cord were the essential items on the list and the re-evaluation of the months ahead. The fact that toothpaste, a toothbrush, and soap (to name a few of the basics) would be far more important to Khanya than the the Disney Ariel watch I included in box, stopped me in the tracks. It made me wonder where the true spirit of the holidays has gone. How the season has become focused on how much one can spend (perhaps beyond our means and in turn create debt) with no thought or true desire, greed, and all emotion being diminished.

This holiday season will be a very different one for me - I miss Thanksgiving with my second "family" and friends, I may not see the man I love, and I'm in a third world country where people are in so much more need than myself or my fortunate family. But for the first time in years, I will be surrounded by my family and this year, time with loved ones and the capability of giving to those in need - will the greatest gift of all.

* Top photo via Santa Shoebox project Facebook page.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Earlier this week, I posted about feeling refreshed and inspired by trying something new. I was pleasantly surprised that even I was able to check more off the list that I thought - I wore pastels (lavender nail polish), I called instead of texting (in this particular case, instead of emailing so I'd say this one qualifies), I watched an old, favorite movie (it's not and oldie, but The Vow is still a goldie in my book), and I tried a new recipe. 

Aaaah, you smell that . . . it's the smell of the sense of accomplishment and a vegan gluten free pizza which I made this week! It was just delicious! I used a new gluten-free self rising flour and made the dough from scratch. I even impressed myself.

The week is not over, the weekend is here, and the time is now!

May you all have a scrumptious one.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


We all get stuck in a routine, I know I do. From my beautifying rituals (with my rows of cosmetics) to the way I fold my clothes (which I adore doing - I know, strange!) and prefer to prepare my food - we all find comfort in these small customs. But I thrive on change and enjoy challenges which keep things - even the small things - a little more interesting.

So this week . . .

* Try a new recipe
* Take a picture of a sunrise or sunset
* Wear pastels
* Call instead of text
* Make time to watch an old, favorite movie
* Try and new shade of lipstick
* Treat yourself
* Surprise someone

Feel refreshed and inspired for change.

Monday, October 7, 2013

I AM 31 . . .

After reading this article, and instantly relating besides a few points, I sat back and thought about where I am right now in my life. How I am creating my own path, with my own strong view points, and how I am viewed for these.

After scribbling down some key notes, I opened a floodgate of honesty and perhaps some feelings which have been existent, but sitting beneath the surface. But it also brought great appreciation and perspective for things I have achieved and the life I live so happily.

So let's get to it shall we . . .

I am 31... Unmarried and childless. But I have an AMAZING partner in crime (remember this guy) and am able to pick up and go whenever we | I please.
I am 31... And do not own a home. I actually don’t have the desire to, to be honest. I feel my money needs to be enjoyed and employed in so many other regards. I am a little bit of a nomad and don’t want to be tied down to such a large physical investment.
I am 31... With a thriving company and with an exploration of additional components. Though I enjoy an office environment, I love the flexibility I have with making my own schedule and seeing the fruits of my own labor, hard work and long hours, come to life.
I am 31... And am a workaholic with a healthy dose of OCD and proud of it.
I am 31... Handling a recent and diminutive form of anxiety which has emerged over the past recent years.
I am 31... With a new found love for adventure. I’d rather pick up my snowboard and boots than go shoe shopping!
I am 31... And am a proud Vegan.
I am 31... And have Celiac Disease. Though some days are tough, I refuse to let it control my life (sometimes this is not avoidable) or let it get the best of me.
I am 31... Holding onto my childhood dreams that I will be famous one day.
I am 31... And have a great new appreciation for my body. It's not perfect, but I'm alright with that and I’ve realized that no matter how old we get, we can still be in the shape we would prefer to be in.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


As winter comes to a close, I’m starting to go out of my way to find those details that are saturated in neon's, accessories that scream “road trip!” and anything that reminds and prepares me for the warm months ahead.

These key rings from Atwater Village-based artist Karen Kimmel, have all the summer vibes I'm looking for and I’m sooooo tempted to scoop them all up. Karen combines colorful thread, rope and metal for each key ring and they come in a range of color options from cool neutrals to bright purples and oranges  


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

OCTOBER FEST for your ears

Aaaah, you smell that - it's the smell of new adventure and a new month. Welcome October! I am missing one of my favorite times of the year back in Virginia (the Fall), but I cannot wait to switch my wardrobe and put away the winter clothes I've had to wear 2 seasons in a row! I left winter only to arrive in winter and now  - SUMMER is upon me! Self sun-tanner is already in the mix (even though I am still a shade whiter than Snow White herself) and with my fun recent local purchases over the weekend, I am SO READY!

Here's An October Fest . . . for your listening pleasure. Just a click of the play button and you're set - easy as a summer pie!

LL: Don't forget to follow me on 8 tracks here to hear other LL mixes.