Friday, September 6, 2013

FRIDAY BLISS: With a Smile

 If you're not a morning person, you may want to throw your hot coffee at me before, whilst, and after reading this! Bring it - I'M READY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD TODAY!
It’s been a long week, a VERY long week (however excessively productive with spectacular weather). Long days and late nights working. BUT there is nothing better than ending the week and starting your Friday with a smile! The “let’s make Lauren’s Friday a great one” gods shone their light on me this morning as I started it off with a rocking 4:45 a.m. workout (box jumps, kettle bell swings, medicine ball sit ups and a 3 mile bike), 20 minutes early office arrival (the traffic was light and easy - RARITY), sighting of an all American made Corvette (even left hand side drive. Made me miss so many things in an instant) and the ultimate stick figure sticker (let’s just say I would like to “kidnap” those sticker families) which needs no explanation but simply a glance at the pic! You hate me yet? And so far, I'm meeting all of todays deadlines and haven't stopped laughing since I sat down at my desk.

So on this Friday:
* Be Kind.
* Listen to this.
* And remember to start everyday on a positive note!

Wishing you all a splendid weekend!

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