Thursday, September 26, 2013

LET'S GET APPY - App Happy that is!

As of now, I have 9 apps on my phone which allow for either photo editing or an alternative way of taking photos. A little ridiculous right? However, this avid photo taker | editor is not ashamed. Photo's are my life. They take me back to moments, places, and times with the precious people in my life. So if I come across a way to make it all even more beautiful, I'll take it. Here's sharing 2 apps with you which I have been using extensively and adore.

I've been reading and following The Fresh Exchange Blog for quite some time and was deeply inspired by their blog writings and photos of their recent visit to Cape Town. During their visit, they collaborated with Over to design an app in a day and launched Cape Town Love last week "for visitors and Capetonians to more deeply engage with major sights and other Cape Town moments." You can read all about it here. It's free too!

I came across the Rhonna Designs Blog by absolute chance and was immediately drawn to the quirkiness and uplifting approach of it. I was SO thrilled when Rhonna launched the Rhonna Designs Photo Editing App which continues to evolve and update with beautiful new tools. There are so many features and options and you most definitely get you $1.99 values worth! Find out more here.

Happy Apping!

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